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Cocktail Music

Spanish Wedding Music

Outstanding Spanish Guitar Music for your Wedding!

The Wedding Ceremony is over, and it is time to celebrate! Let's pick up the pace a little and add some percussion and rhythm to the atmosphere. In this video, you will see and hear just what Trio Paz sounds like - upbeat and fun! Towards the middle of the video, you can also hear some of the quieter dinner oriented music we play.
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Trio Paz Live!

Trio Paz embodies the essence of what is great about live music"

Trio Paz is an infectious musical mix of Flamenco Rumba, Latin, and Brazilian, intricately and virtuosically crafted into the perfect blend of delicious moods for your event. Whether you're planning the perfect romantic moment, a joyous festival celebration, or a sumptuous feast, Trio Paz adds an unparalleled latin flair. Trio Paz's experience, depth, professionalism, and sheer love for music translate into an unforgettably enjoyable experience for everyone.

"Guitarist Daniel Fríes provides the bands flawless rhythm, setting up fellow guitarist JP Boungiorno's impressive leads and sweet mellodies.  All to the while, percussionist Surya Patri lays down masterful beats with a playful tempo that gets your feet moving and won't let them stop. Whether your dancing or watching, Trio Paz keeps it exciting and fun (If you're watching then I would like to see a note from your doctor).  They have an engaging and lighthearted stage presence that embodies the essence of what is great about live music." -Chad Markell, a satisfied Groom.

Let Trio Paz help make your event a success!

Listen to more Trio Paz audio here!